Training Options

  • CIS staff provide training to meet your needs in a number of formats. Call CIS at 1.800.495.1266 or look at our calendar to register for one of our training options.
  • Site-specific online webinars provide an environment in which you work directly with a trainer. In a webinar, the trainer shares his screen, and provides a comprehensive look at any tools in CIS that can meet your needs. Webinars are typically one hour in length, although they can be shorter or longer depending upon your needs. Webinars are scheduled according to your availability. This is our most popular training option and we offer these all year round.
  • Regional workshops are our second most popular training option. Typically scheduled in the fall at Oregon’s community college campuses, regional workshops include hands-on activities, time to network with colleagues in the region, and the opportunity to become more skilled using CIS with a CIS trainer at your side. You must register in advance for these workshops.
  • CIS also offers custom training on-site at your school or organization. Although these are usually fee-based, CIS does offer vouchers periodically in order to help sites access our support services.

Certificates for professional development time can be provided for all our training options. Select CIS staff can also offer undergraduate and graduate credit for ongoing training and coursework.


800.495.1266 (in Oregon)

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University of Oregon for
Oregon Career Information System