The Oregon Career Information System (CIS) was created in 1972 as a public consortium. Under the administration of the University of Oregon, Oregon CIS develops quality career information resources, delivers career information, and promotes sound career decision-making practices in Oregon. Oregon CIS is recognized by an Executive Order and memo of understanding with key state agencies as the Oregon's career information delivery system (CIDS). Due to licensing and other restrictions, the information in CIS is limited to residents of Oregon only.
The purpose of CIS is to help you identify career and education opportunities and make career plans. Access to CIS is available to individuals through a school or other organization providing career development services. In some cases, individuals license these services independently or have access through their public library.
You may access all of the content in CIS without entering any personal information. However, to take advantage of some components of the CIS website that are available through school and agency licenses, you must create a personal portfolio. You only need to enter your first and last name, a username, and a password to create a portfolio. After you create a portfolio, you have complete control over the information you choose to save. In order to make the most use of the portfolio, you will need to enter or save personal information such as your preferences and notes on why you are interested in particular careers or educational opportunities. In these cases, Oregon CIS recognizes and respects your right to privacy.
Oregon CIS uses security precautions to make sure any information we collect about you remains private. We adhere to guidelines created by the Children's On-Line Privacy Protection Act of 1998 and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1996. Except as stated in this Privacy Policy, your private information (which may include your name, address, and school) is not shared with any individuals or organizations for any purpose, nor, except as necessary to correct system problems, is your individual information looked at by staff of Oregon CIS.
In general, Oregon CIS maintains logs of site usage in order to improve the site. This information is collected in aggregate and is not identifiable to an individual user. We gather such information as how often content is accessed, frequency of responses for assessment questions, average length of user session, etc. This information is reported in aggregate and may be shared with others but cannot be used to identify individuals or the data they save in their portfolio.
Schools or agencies that make CIS available to their students or clients can receive aggregated information in the form of various reports. This information cannot be used to identify individual users. These reports are designed to help CIS Site Coordinators (individuals at the institution responsible for providing access to CIS) evaluate use of CIS by their students or clients and enhance their career development programs and services.
K-12 institutions are covered by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1996 (FERPA). Additionally, CIS is designed in accord with the Children's On-Line Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA).
FERPA includes provisions that are reflected in the way CIS operates in K-12 institutions. First, all student portfolios and education plans developed through CIS services are accessible to the CIS Site Coordinator for the institution and to designees of the CIS Site Coordinator if, and only if, you select the option to share your portfolio. Under FERPA, the coordinator and/or the designees must have a "legitimate interest" to look at material in a student's portfolio. For students under 18, a parent can obtain access to her/his child's portfolio by requesting access through the CIS Site Coordinator or by using the student’s username and password.
Provisions of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 require verifiable parental consent in order to collect personal information on any "child," an individual under the age of 13. Schools making CIS available to students under the age of 13 need to obtain written authorization from parents or legal guardians before a child creates an online portfolio. The parent must agree to the provisions of the CIS Privacy Policy. Parents may obtain access to their child’s portfolio from the school’s CIS Site Coordinator or by using the child’s username and password. CIS Site Coordinators need to contact Oregon CIS Delivery System staff to disable the child’s portfolio if the parent wishes to prohibit future use of the portfolio. CIS Site Coordinators may also request that the option to create a personal portfolio be disabled for all students at a school.
Some schools or agencies license CIS-Connection for use with CIS. CIS-Connection helps businesses connect to schools and schools connect to businesses. These licensees collect information about local businesses and volunteers for inclusion in CIS and CIS-Connection. This business and volunteer information is made available only to those businesses and individuals providing the information for inclusion in CIS-Connection and the authorized users of CIS. Oregon CIS will not make any e-mail, postal address, or other personal or business information available to any parties other than those identified above. At any time, businesses or volunteers can correct themselves or request corrections to or deletion of their information in CIS-Connection by contacting the Agency Coordinator for their CIS-Connection Cooperating Organization.
CIS uses cookies, small bits of electronic information stored on your computer during the time you are accessing CIS. The cookie does not contain personal information. The cookie is erased whenever you "log out" of CIS or close your browser. It also is erased if you remain connected but inactive for 24 hours.
Oregon CIS identifies many other websites that may help you in exploring career and education options. These sites may provide services requiring you to register and enter personal information (for example, a school that accepts electronic applications or a job search site that stores electronic resumes). Oregon CIS does not endorse the privacy policy of these sites, and you need to choose whether to use their services.
Contact your CIS Site Coordinator to disable your portfolio. You can also make your request in writing to Oregon CIS at the address listed below. Users may also request a copy of all information Oregon CIS has collected about them by signing and mailing a letter of request to the address listed below. For both of these requests, please include your first and last name, your username and password, and the site your portfolio is associated with.
If you have any further questions about this website or privacy policy, please contact:
Oregon Career Information System
1244 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1244
541.346.3872 or 800.495.1266