About Us

The Oregon Career Information System (CIS) provides a system of occupational and educational information to help Oregonians learn about the world of work and education. We work with schools, colleges, social agencies, and businesses who provide career guidance and employee development services. They use CIS products with their students, clients, customers, and employees to assist them with the process of career planning or career transition. The information that Oregon CIS develops is comprehensive; for example:

The information is also delivered in a systematic way. This means that each information file is linked to other relevant information to create an integrated system of career information. Professional information analysts collect, analyze, review, and edit every piece of information in Oregon CIS each year. They use a wide variety of data sources and generate additional information from their own questionnaires. Oregonians can be certain that each piece of information and the links between the various information files have been thoroughly researched with the concerns of the career planner in mind.

Oregon CIS was built to remove barriers so that Oregonians can create accurate and actionable career and education plans. Oregon CIS is a time-tested, Oregon-grown system of the highest quality, integrity, and value. Self-supporting for over 50 years, Oregon CIS served as the model for the creation of all state CIDS nationally.


The Oregon Career Information System (CIS) is designated Oregon’s Career information delivery system (CIDS) by Executive Order 01-08. The Oregon Career Information System (CIS) is a consortium made up of organizations that have current software licenses to use CIS. The costs of producing Oregon’s Career Information System are shared among all consortium members. Similarly, enhancements and developments to CIS are shared with other members of the consortium at no additional cost when appropriate.

The schools, agencies, and businesses that license CIS products are members of the CIS Consortium. The staff of these organizations may be considered for board membership. The CIS board is a representative body of the CIS Consortium. The CIS Board advises the Director.


The Oregon Career Information System (CIS) supports the career development needs of Oregonians.

Our Mission is to: Our vision is Quality Information for a Lifetime. Our consortium members are essential to our mission because they oversee the delivery of our information to career decision-makers. They also work with us to make Oregon CIS better.


The Oregon Career Information System (CIS) is a consortium organization made up of organizations that have current software licenses to use CIS. The CIS board is a representative body of the CIS Consortium. The CIS Board advises the Director. New members are elected at the first meeting of the new fiscal year, usually in October, and begin their terms at the following meeting. The board meets four times a year in Salem.

Willamette ESD

Sean Aker

Student Success Act Coordinator

Rogue Community College

Makiko Barrey

Counseling Faculty

Oregon Building Congress

Tom Goodhue

Executive Director

Oregon Department of Education (Board liaison)

Beth Wigham

Career and College Readiness & School Counseling Systems Specialist

Oregon Office of Student Access and Completion
